John Lewis Opening Hours

John Lewis is a Shopping Home and Garden, Shopping Home Furniture, Shopping Electronics, Clothing Clothing Store, Health and Beauty Beauty Shop, Clothing Sport Store, Shopping Retail Business with 51 shops in the United Kindgom. You can find them in 51 different cities where they serve their clients. The town that has the most John Lewis stores is London with 6 shops. The second most important city regarding the number of stores of this brand is Swindon with 2 points of sale. Other locations like Aberdeen have 1 shop. Ashford with 1 shop, Basingstoke with 1 shop.

John Lewis is a chain of high-end department stores operating throughout the United Kingdom. The chain is owned by the John Lewis Partnership, which was created by Spedan Lewis, son of the founder, John Lewis, in 1929. The first John Lewis store was opened in 1864 in Oxford Street, London. The chain's slogan is "Never Knowingly Undersold" which has been in use since 1925. There are 50 stores throughout England, Scotland and Wales, including 12 "At Home" stores, and "flexible format" stores in Exeter and York. The first John Lewis concession opened in New South Wales, Australia in November 2016.

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